Industry Sectors


At BOW, we understand the unique challenges Robotics Integration specialists face. The complexity of programming, interfacing, and deploying robots can slow down projects and increase costs. That's why we've developed a solution that not only addresses these issues but also opens up new avenues for innovation, cost efficiency, and market expansion.

XR and AI Agencies

At the crossroads of Extended Reality (XR), Artificial Intelligence (AI), and the versatile capabilities of Unity, BOW stands as a pioneering platform facilitating the seamless fusion of these technologies. Designed for XR agencies and software developers, BOW's SDK is inherently compatible with Unity, enabling teleoperation capabilities and the integration of AR & VR with the tangible world...

Software Developers

In the dynamic world of software development, the field of robotics has often appeared as a fortress—exclusive and impenetrable to those not versed in its complex languages and systems. BOW is changing the game by lowering the barriers to entry, making robotics accessible to everyday software developers. Just as platforms like Unity transformed game development, BOW is poised to democratise robotics programming.​

Industrial Robotics

At BOW, we recognise the transformative potential of robotics across various sectors, including manufacturing, logistics, agriculture and healthcare. The integration of robotics can often be met with challenges such as high complexity and costs, limiting their adoption and innovation. BOW's mission is to eliminate these barriers, enabling industries to harness the power of robotics more efficiently and effectively.


At BOW, we're keenly aware of the hurdles faced by original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) in the robotics industry. From ensuring your robots stand out in a crowded market to accelerating adoption across various sectors, the challenges are significant. BOW's solution is designed not just to overcome these challenges but to transform them into opportunities for growth, innovation, and increased market share.


At BOW, we deeply understand the pivotal role that robotics plays in academic research. The exploration and development of robotics within academia can often be hampered by the intricacies of programming and the high costs of integrating diverse robotic systems. BOW is committed to removing these barriers, offering an innovative solution that streamlines robotics research and facilitates groundbreaking discoveries.​