Case Study: Compsoft Creative


“The support from BOW has been phenomenal. Their responsiveness has been invaluable, allowing us to overcome challenges efficiently and focus on the innovative aspects of our projects while leaving the time-intensive, complex mathematical and engineering issues to BOW.”

Daniel Payne, Managing Director
Compsoft Creative


Compsoft Creative is an award-winning provider of innovative digital products and software development solutions. Compsoft approached BOW to assist in developing robotics solutions accessible to its developers by removing the complex technical barriers traditionally associated with the field. 


Compsoft Creative’s main challenge was integrating robotics into its existing operations without having specialised robotics expertise on the team. Robotics, often seen as complex and maths-intensive, requires significant knowledge of inverse kinematics, motion planning, and collision avoidance, which can be daunting for software developers without a background in the field. Additionally, adopting robotics at scale across different projects often presents risks, such as vendor lock-in and time-consuming reconfigurations, as developers must work with a variety of robot models and vendors, each with unique requirements and SDKs. 


BOW’s platform has been the answer to these challenges. By abstracting the complexities of differing robotics models and specifications, BOW has enabled Compsoft’s developers to focus on their high-level objectives—deciding what actions the robots should perform—without being concerned about the underlying technical complexities. The platform has allowed Compsoft’s developers to use their existing software skills to program robotics tasks. BOW’s SDK also offered significant flexibility by supporting multiple robot types and vendors, enabling quick swaps of hardware without requiring extensive re-coding. This feature has been invaluable for Compsoft, as it has enabled them to experiment with different robotics setups without the fear of vendor lock-in. 


The collaboration between BOW and Compsoft Creative has delivered immediate and impactful results. Compsoft is now able to adopt and implement robotics solutions friction-free with the help of BOW’s universal robotics SDK. 

BOW and Compsoft showcased a custom robotics application for use with Apple Vision Pro, leveraging BOW’s digital twin capabilities at a Manufacturing Technology Centre (MTC) event earlier this year. This application utilises spatial computing to display live operations and simulations of a robotic industrial arm, enabling real-time remote control. Potential applications for this solution include healthcare, hospitality, retail, industrial settings, hazardous environments, and events and entertainment. Notably, the Compsoft team seamlessly replaced a failed arm with a completely different model just hours before the event—without needing to make any code changes. 

By utilising BOW, Compsoft Creative’s team has gained a new capability to simulate robotic operations and seamlessly switch between hardware options, drastically improving their development efficiency and opening up opportunities in new verticals. 


The partnership between BOW and Compsoft Creative demonstrates how BOW’s platform democratises robotics by enabling everyday digital product developers to become roboticists. By abstracting the complexities of robotics and offering flexible hardware integration, BOW significantly reduces risk and lowers barriers to entry, making robotics accessible to a much broader workforce. This partnership has empowered Compsoft Creative to serve customers across multiple verticals with new use cases and applications, including interactive exhibits and accelerated IoT, robotics, and AI integration.