Navigating the Complexities of Robotics: BOW’s Solution Launches at Hannover Messe 2024

Hannover Messe is one of the world’s largest events for Industrial Transformation, attracting over 130,000 attendees. BOW is proud to be the official software partner for Sarcomere Dynamics and inMotion.robotic, where it showcased the power of its universal robotics software platform during the event.

BOW, the universal robotics software company, exhibited at Hannover Messe last week, alongside its OEM partners Sarcomere Dynamics and inMotion.robotic, to demonstrate groundbreaking advancements in robotics software. BOW launched its universal software platform, which allows users to build robot applications in any language on any operating system, ensuring seamless integration and interoperability across various hardware configurations. This strategy underscores BOW’s commitment to breaking down barriers and empowering roboticists to unleash the full potential of robotics development and usability. 

At the show, BOW demonstrated its software’s capability to develop a fully autonomous robot within just a week. The team first built a driver for the new robot, allowing it to interface with the BOW platform. This driver served as the bridge between the robot and the demo application, facilitating seamless communication and control.

The demo application enabled users to engage in natural language conversations with the robot, initiating tasks and receiving responses in real-time. For example, users could simply say: “Hi, who are you?”, to which the robot would reply with its identity and capabilities. By the end of the show, users could issue commands such as: “Can you find the cat in the room, please?”, prompting the robot to locate and identify the target object. 

Hannover Messe provides a huge platform for those advancing a wide range of robotic technologies and use cases, although BOW CEO Nick Thompson, identified some of the key challenges that hold back scaling within the robotics industry: 

Fragmented Robotics Landscape:

Issues with interoperability means roboticists and manufacturers are often operating in silos. This can result in incompatible systems and standards, making it difficult for different robots and components to communicate with each other. This lack of interoperability limits the flexibility and scalability of robotics solutions, hindering their adoption across various applications.

High Barrier to Entry:

Robotics can be costly and present a high barrier to entry for academics and applied sciences businesses. Robotics research relies on real-world data and practical applications to validate theories and algorithms. However, access to relevant data sets and real-world testing environments can be limited, particularly for academic researchers who may lack access to industry partnerships or commercial resources.

Consolidating Complexity:

Navigating the complexities of robotics development requires innovative solutions that streamline processes and enhance efficiency. BOW’s platform addresses this challenge by offering a unified environment for programming, simulation, and deployment. We recognise the need for consolidation and aim to bridge the gap by bringing together diverse technologies into a universal platform. With BOW, developers and roboticists can accelerate development cycles, improve product characteristics and push the boundaries of robotics capabilities.

To find out more about the BOW platform, click here.